Episode 9

Zeo Genesis Travelogues

Greetings, star-nomads! You can call me Trev. (You can also call me Trevallion Franklin-Ridgeway III, but I’d rather you didn’t). I’ve left behind my shallow executive existence to explore the Hundred Suns, to re-connect with insignificant voiders just like you. These are my travels. You’re welcome.

"Happy Togetherness Day! It’s been three days since I resuscitated Lightowl after couriering him a zeo head and he invited me to stay with him for this festive period."

"Turns out ‘Lightowl’ is a name and title. Something akin to subterranean Neath’s town elder; when one becomes Lightowl, so does their name."

"Following a marvelous day of feasting and merrymaking, we rose early for the annual journey to the Shrine of the Horrified. Tomorrow is traditionally a day of barn-raising, which I must attend, but as little tech as possible is used on actual Togetherness Day."

"Unfortunately, Lightowl wasn’t in any condition for a several-hour trek, but was pivotal in the ceremony. Enormously humble as I am, this man’s heartbreak was my own, so I struck upon an idea. With some enthusiastic cutting and hammering, despite their protestations, as it really wasn’t too much bother for me, their dining table was soon a litter!"

"It could’ve been a real slog, porting Lightowl topside, then up to the hill shrine, were it not such a party with singing, dancing, refreshments, and coloured powder constantly thrown everywhere."

"In the hilltop glade sits the Shrine of the Horrified. The Horrified is actually a bygone, unidentifiable, but clearly humanoid zeoform, sat regally on an apparently naturally formed throne of roots and rock. It’s so caked in ceremonial powder, however, it’s impossible to discern its original owner."

"From a platform, Lightowl declaimed the story. Long ago, a catastrophic battle spilled into central Neath. Horrified by rising civilian casualties, one zeo pilot threw down her arms in a no man’s land. As civic hall gongs welcomed a new day, the others followed suit. Exchanging components, rendering their zeos combat incapable, they went their separate ways. The Horrified wandered here, where she now rests, succumbing, assumedly, to injuries."

"After the story, Neathians reverently hung zeo parts from trees. The couriered head was laid at the Horrified’s feet with the aid of Lightowl’s son."

"In this solemn moment on a joyful day, I was struck how physical and emotional devastation can, with bravery, be transformed to bring about continuing peace and unity. When Lightowl invited me to be first to rub sacred powder on the Horrified, I couldn’t help but be profoundly moved as I realized that covering up which faction she originally fought for was rather the point."

  • Shrine of the Horrified, Di’Anno Hill, 20.9215 km south-south east of Neath.
  • Surrounded by jetnai root forest from a large population of subterranean jetnai trees.
  • Zeoform components are annually hung from root-trees on Togetherness Day to honor the original ceasefire exchange.
  • Traditionally considered female, though no evidence exists regarding the pilot’s identity.

These journals were recorded via Tymphony Aural Augmetics… TAA: Listen Up!