Zeo Genesis Travelogues
Greetings, star-nomads! You can call me Trev. (You can also call me Trevallion Franklin-Ridgeway III, but I’d rather you didn’t.) I’ve left behind my shallow executive existence to explore the Hundred Suns, to re-connect with insignificant voiders just like you. These are my travels. You’re welcome.
“Saientenian money is a queer thing and I badly needed some following my incarceration on Little Aether, then hasty, some would say explosive, liberation. I’d agreed to give a nice old problem gambler a kiss on the cheek for a single yutta (haggled up from seven yut); a small, oblong, tungsten-coloured cuboid. Like all denominations of yuttamame, this coin quietly hummed at a pitch that denoted which part of the sacred Yuttaneshi saga its batch had been struck to honour. By this one’s dim shrieking I imagine it was whatever that religion's apocalypse is."
"Peck presented and returned, I was again reminded of the breadth of humanity just one heliosphere contains. Even just one casino! Here, though, the variation was more by their own hands, natural or otherwise. Autonomy rules in Tatchidaun, which, I imagine, has something to do with them having to replace their forests every few decades."
“I’d heard of, but never seen, sessites. Now here I was, having just swapped smooches with one. I understand, dear listeners, none of you will be as well travelled as me. For the unilluminated, a sessite is a person who has modified themselves to the extent they are rooted to the spot. These rows and rows of gambling sessites had become one with their stools, nutrient tubes and waste extractors running from floor ports to their amorphous bodies. This unfortunate group were clearly slaves to the Cult of the Mono-limbed Brigand, right arm melded with the mechanism they pulled to activate their life-bonded machine, the left bone-locked with their credit disc pressed against its currency sensor. Please don’t ask me from whence I retrieved the yutta."
“There’s very little a single yutta will buy and if there’s one thing old Trev knows how to do, it’s gamble! None of this mindless lever-pulling, oh no. First, the pinesix desks, sporting real quartztree pinecones no less. Oh how they laughed when I came to the table with one yutta, but not when I left with seventeen thous-"
"Hello, who’s this massive tux-thug heading my way? Better get a move on, sometimes I can be a little too lucky in these establishments. Walk and talk, just act natural, like I have an urgent wine tasting. Anyway, next, a matter of alternating between grav spinner and slingrail tables near each another. The magnetic pulses of one tend to affect-Hey, come on now, unhand me, man! Unhand-"
"Ooft! Stay… zippy... Ow! Star nomaaaaaads!”
• Seymour’s Caseyno, Oashi district, Tatchidaun city, planet Saienten
• “Feels like your new home!”
• Tertiary holding of the Seymour Clan
• Notable resident sessite cults: Cult of the Mono-limbed Brigand, Cult of the Orb and Disc Velocitus, Ruby Cubed Order of the Haserd Brachyura, Bowers Before the Obsidian Knave.