The GuardCorps CQB series
The GuardCorps CQB series of Zeoform weapons have followed a well-laid development path of successive upgrades to a single core concept - making maximal instant firepower available at close-quarters ranges. CQB weapons all feature multiple barrels in vertically stacked pairs - a total of four barrels in the case of the Tactical-weight CDB-7 Quadshot and six for the medium-weight CQB-8 Six-shot (no heavy-weight CQB weapon is manufactured for GuardCorps at the current time, but presumably it would be an Octoshot). Each barrel in the array can be fired independently via electrical ignition or all of them can be gang-fired together to create a veritable storm of metal.
The most innovative part of the CDB 7 and 8 series design is their handling of ammunition. Each barrel of the weapon contains ammo strips comprising alternating layers of frangible alloy and propellant sandwiched together. When the barrel is fired the outermost layers disintegrate into high velocity shrapnel and the remaining ammunition layers move one step forward into the firing slot. Replenishing ammunition strips is done through a simple break-action design, the barrel assembly hinging forward to enable additional ammo strips to be inserted from the back.
The sheer impact generated by a CQB multishot is considerable, enough to throw a combat Zeoform off its feet, and single-barrelled shots have surprising reach and accuracy. GuardCorps Zeoform pilots set great store by the simplicity and reliability of the CQB series of weapons, citing it as a dependable weapon for when you need it most. Indeed, while simple, the feed mechanism ensures that misfires and jams are a virtual impossibility.
One of the most respected analysts, known both for highly detailed breakdowns and post-engagement evaluation as well as more informal “pop” texts is “Drew Chambert” (a nom de plume). Little is known about this writer except it is evident they are or have been a zeo designer, possibly even a pilot at some point, and have some quite deep connections into both Pact and GuardCorps operations. Their writings and audiocasts are available across all one hundred heliospheres to a greater or lesser extent.