Zeo Genesis Travelogues
Greetings, star-nomads! You can call me Trev. (You can also call me Trevallion Franklin-Ridgeway III, but I’d rather you didn’t.) I’ve left behind my shallow executive existence to explore the Hundred Suns, to re-connect with insignificant voiders just like you. These are my travels. You’re welcome.
“The void grants its benedictions upon traveller Trev again! I’d been unjustly sentenced to seventy cycles for the “crime” of wanting to return a data-plug to its rightful owner. Mercifully, unexpected intervention reduced my time in “the President’s Suite’’ as my fellow voiders put it, to a more tolerable twelve, and I managed to acquire a fetching cheek scar in the deal!
Less appealing, however, was my left pinky getting blown off in the blast. Had my hand resting through the cell bars, didn’t I? Thankfully the rest didn’t get shredded, and of all my fingers, that was the one I liked least... small blessings.."
“Perhaps it was the Rakke zeoform’s pulsar or something one of those little Chalae-pod crab-bots did. Either way, the far end of the cellblock corridor exploded inwards with a tremendous boom. Emerging through the smoke came the zeo, combat blades already ripping through cell doors."
"..And then I woke up. An amused zengineer had applied QwiksSeal to my finger stump and informed me a replacement was already being grown. Ze claimed I’d passed out from fright. Stars know why ze felt the need to spout unbelievable rubbish. I imagine it was some heroic act that embarrassed zir in front of comrades. Ze said they were rescuing some Pact VIP but I never saw anyone that looked at all important."
"Stepping out from medbay, I could scarce believe I wasn’t in a planetside forest, gazing at a midnight sky. I couldn’t even see the support struts criss-crossing the geodesic dome, they were so high up. Soundless Sprinter is so big I can only compare it to the Kayatwoo mountain range on Hymmah."
"The Rakke pilot, an imposing Moa Nakamoto, greeted me and took us on a monorail tour of the Sprinter."
"The vessel comprises six city-sized domes, attached to a spinal drive-ship. Sprinter transports entire ‘seed biomes’ to desolate worlds, making them more habitable for people and wildlife."
"Simplicity reigns. Despite running a mind-boggling starship, the small crew live in the vast forests in timber huts, harvesting the wood and produce. Their own little rustic world. That is until the pods are deployed and they must start afresh. It all seems quite idyllic, until one remembers they are missing out on the exquisite joys promised by a bottle of Realmborg’s Hackenberry Gin. Ignorance truly is bliss."